samedi, septembre 16, 2006

Japanese update

Alright, I'm not gonna write IN Japanese, but I'm using this as a kind of internet postcard kinda thing. Here we are in Tokyo, yours truly, obviously, but also my big Bro', currently sleeping in front of a computer, Val, Bouddha, and Jo, hanging about, waiting for the subway lines to come alive once again, and our curfew to be over (it is now 6:53 AM, here in Tokyo, and our Hotel closes at 1...). We went clubbing and it was good. Japanese guys are funny when drunk. We actually spoke to one or two of them. It's not as easy as it sounds. I'm simply exhausted and my feet hurt, but the D&B was fine, the club was alright, and I got my best girl online as I'm writing this. LIfe could suck more... Anyhoo, maybe we're gonna be able to get back to our quarters... which would be good, cuz I'm gonna fall right here and now. So to everyone who checks this semi-regularly : Booh-ya ! Take care, friends and lovers, and see you in Europe !

Kampai !

3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Hmmm! Est-ce qu'il y avait un paquet de jeunes ecolieres en jupes a peine assez longues pour leur cacher le minet?

Ou bien est-ce que c'est seulement dans les mangas ce genre de club?

cheztao a dit…

lol Bourgui

C'est cool que vous vous amusiez bien!!!

Vous me raconterez tous ca en revenant. N'oubliez pas samedi!!!

Au fait, qui vient?


Spooner a dit…

cool, sounds like fun was had by all. personally, i think talking to a drunk Japanese guys should be on everyones list of things to do before you die.

walk on my friend... in the knowledge that you are walking through life.