We changed. We didn’t mean to. We didn’t want to. But we did. It got complicated, but I guess all things do when they change. But hey, you get used to it. You get used to anything if you’re hungry. It wasn’t that hard, after awhile. Just going to the store, filling your cart. all wrapped in plastic, clean, hygienic. In your fridge, it gleams under the electric light. That kind of pinkish grey. That mother-of-pearl patina. Take it out, fry it, dispose of the package. Then go to bed, fuck, sleep. Maybe toss and turn for awhile, at least I used to at first. But hey, you get used to it. Even the ones working the slaughterhouses got used to it. They get up in the morning, they kiss their wives and kids, and that’s where they go. And when they come back nothing’s changed.
When it all started we would grab them off the street. That wasn’t very smart. I mean, no one was ready, no one understood. It was all so disorganized. We were hungry, maybe scared sometimes. Some of us did OK. One of my friends from work, he used to tell me he went to
The hunger made some of us pick the poor, the hunger made a few of us pick the rich. Takes one to catch one, they say… So you caught one of yours, whatever you were. You could go for the people closest to you, they never saw it coming : husband, wife, parents, kids, anything went back then. But you know, there are only so many spouses, parents, kids one can have. And besides, some didn’t like the idea when it was someone they knew : When they’re all gone, it gets lonely. But you get used to lonely too, I guess.
After awhile, we outnumbered them. Whatever it was that changed us, it worked better and better. And we realized we would have to aim for the long run. We couldn’t afford to lose them all. So we put them in camps. We pampered them, fed them, let them breed and get fat. As we watched them in their camps, we started to realize they weren’t that smart. In fact, they were kind of pathetic, actually. They were weak, and not very bright. They were no better than children, really. Pups. Once, they tried to escape, to revolt. So we took some of their privileges away. They weren’t allowed books anymore, or radio, or television. That was pretty dumb of them, revolting like that. And besides, thy had it better than some of us on the outside, having to work for a living. All they had to do was get fat. Some of them just stopped eating sometimes, so we force-fed them with tubes and proteins. They all got fat in the end.
These days, we don’t much think about them. We remember we have the
3 commentaires:
Call me old fashioned but I enjoyed the hunt. I like getting away with it, having to outsmart the cops with their task forces and profilers.
At the very beginning I did the typical vigilante thing, going after child molesters, rapist etc, you know what I mean. Sadly I just stoped caring, a brain is a brain is a brain....
I like the way you write mister.
i just wish I understood better!!!
Hmmm, I didn't know fat people had tastier brains. Thanks for the tip!
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