weird pictures have popped up somewhere on this great internet playground. I just want to set the record straight (well, set the record bi, at least) : I look much, much cooler as a super hero, and anyone who knew the great VautourMan will testify in my favor. This has been a very interesting week so far, and as you may have noticed from the complete absence of posts I was booked and over booked, and actually spent the best of these past couple days in the basement of a weirdly named bulding (Uni-Pignon). Although there were a few weird windows in the ceiling, absolutely no girl wearing a skirt has walked over them, hence making the days dull, dull, dull... Actually it wasn't really really bad, just kind of rushin' and rushin' and rushin, Lausanne-Geneva, Geneva-Lausanne, have expressos every two hours or fall asleep on the table. I am actually not complaining, I learn many splendiferous things about many fantabulous subjects (although I will not discuss them here, it is late and I want to be thinking about something besides social psychology once a day at least). Wendy's blog has some updates about what I did today for lunch, if you have nothing better to do than check my cameos in other people's lives.

On another completely different subject, remember
Vermine ? It's linked somewhere on this very site, and some of you may have had a look at it. Well, as a GM, I was a bit frightened by the universe (I would like, with this particular game, to create a playground for my players that they are entirely free to explore and act in with a lot of freedom, which means that I have to become a better GM), which led me to procrastinate quite a bit before even character creation. As of last Wednesday, my proud and talented players have built their group and their characters, and our first actual game is set to next Thursday. It's all starting to click into place now that I have a clearer idea about what my friendies seem to want from it, and it may shape up to be a very good experience.
Finally, for those of you who are eager to know more about the mysteries of Arkham, I promise I will try to continue the story next week, when things turn less hectic. Sorry about the delay, gang ! It is now time for me to bid you all goodnight.
2 commentaires:
non val, Thursday c'est bien jeudi!!!!
pour ce qui est du contenu de mon blog tout de façon je trouvais pas de photo mieux que ca. ou alors elles étaient protégées et je pouvais pas les mettre su rmon blog...
vive la vermine à Lausanne!
De toute façon c'est facile ton jeu! C'est comme nettoyer un donjon mais en plus gros quoi...
Bah! Rien de bien impressionnant!
(On gagne des prix?)
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